Friday, April 25, 2008

High Heels Large Boobs

We award! Ranking

Gaul Yesterday at the Royal Castle in Warsaw announced the results of the contest Grand Front, 2007. 375 front pages competing for the title of best news cover last year. The jury, which entered 29 patients, associated mainly with graphics press, decided to reward the "Baltic Journal" (number 92, 19.04.2007) as cover devoted to the organization of Euro 2012 in Poland and Ukraine, while in the group of journals triumphed "Exclusive" (number 56) - a portrait by Beata Tyszkiewicz with the shoe on head, by Zuza Krajewska and Bartosz Wieczorek. It is worth noting that last year were awarded the same title.
contrast, a pleasant surprise it turned out by our award winning "Photography Quarterly," a cover page number 22/2007! Emphasis has and confirms that interesting things can occur not only in Warsaw and Krakow.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Dark Urine At 38 Weeks

original print photographers

Today's "Republic" led to a further text on the photography market in Poland, but other than an attempt to analyze Małkowska Monika has created its own ranking photographers, who crowned her text prints, masters and paradoxes . I must admit that this is a very brave move and I am convinced that aroused a lot of emotion, like any rank.
It was divided into two parts and presents a follows:

Photostory and document:
Edward Hartwig, Justin Jarosińska, Eustachy Kossakowski, Tadeusz Rolke, Sophia Rydet Plewiński Wojciech Krzysztof Gierałtowski, Erasmus Ciolek, George Lewczyński, Anna Brzezinska, Anna Beata Bohdziewicz, Chris Niedenthal, David Niedenthal , Lukasz Trzcinski, Krzysztof Zielinski, Irene Zjeżdżałka, Wojciech Wilczyk, Igor Przybylski, Przemyslaw Pokrycki, Simon Rogiński, Zorka Project.

creative photo:
Dlubak, Zdzislaw Beksinski, Zofia Kulik, Natalia LL, Joseph Robakowski, Zygmunt Rytka, Izabella Gustowska, Antoni Mikolajczyk, Eva Kuryluk, Łódź Kaliska Tomek Sikora, Nicholas Smoczyński, Katarzyna Kozyra, Marta Deskur, Jadwiga Sawicka, Monika Wiechowska, Aneta Grzeszykowska / Jan Smaga, Wojciech Prazmowski.

Monday, April 7, 2008

King Furniture Reviews 2010

Two days before the third photography auction in saturated Rempexie me reflect on the future of photography, the most traditional. Reflection occurred to be after reading the listing of that directory, but also text Reasonable prices, wide selection Janusz Miliszkiewicza (Rzeczpospolita, 02.04.2008), which states that: "If I were collector, primarily kupowałbym good pictures, which prints the authors themselves have done with traditional methods in the darkroom. Soon it will have retail rarity! We flood the flood of prints from the printer. Print is not the same. In the darkroom until the author has experimented with induction, until he found the perfect word. They let the world only those prints, from which he was pleased. I have the impression that the pictures of the printers quite often lost light. "
Will soon be a rarity indeed? I think that it unfortunately is, because by visiting the exhibitions of prints on the material srebrowym a percentage margin, while the norm has become a performance of "print-holder" - this term is used in the exhibition catalog and auction Poland photo Collector 3. This situation is not merely the result of a sudden the technological revolution, although probably accessible and "easy" scan negatives and exercise based on prints of digital files has become an essential argument for abandoning tedious, uncomfortable and time consuming technology safelight. It seems to me that the process to move away from "traditional" photography takes us a bit longer, because I since the 90s drew attention to the diversity of such photographs contact, as evidenced by a series of exhibitions Contacts (since 1989), prepared by James Byrczka, which ended in 2000 - in part probably because of too much enlarged formula in the last edition ( breakthrough time - breakthrough time) and probably also in part from lodging in her too many ideas (large format negatives, old cameras and black cloth on their heads sometimes become a philosophy in itself), which could prove to be too tedious. It seems to me that the more important in an attempt to draw Due to the "traditional" imaging had an exhibition of photographs Closer, curated by Andrzej Saja, and shown in 10 Polish galleries in 1996-1998. Since then, in principle, no one made another attempt to determine the state of Polish photography in its original form.

So the article is an announcement from the Republic of silver pushed photography to an even narrower margin of? It is probably quite right, and for 3-4 years on the fingers of the hand count will be showcasing the authors on the paper barytowym. I omit here, of course, multitudes of enthusiasts, who still occupy the house will treatment of photo paper. But at the same time I do not think that new technologies do not allow for expansion of media, although they are different and produce different effects. However, it seems to me that the vast popularity of prints does not arise from technological progress and increasingly narrower access to the material of silver from resellers - the situation has entailed changing the way of photographic thinking and change some features of photography itself, which has never been so present in the circulation of the exhibition .

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

2011 Grand Marquis Subwoofer

No Subject

In this photograph is usually a few stops when it is displayed.

Irene Zjeżdżałka, September, 2002